Week 12

This the week after spring break and I was hoping that people would have a lot of pictures from spring break and some people did but not as many as I wanted. But besides that this week has gone well 

Week 11

This week in greenscene we are just going to post picture on our blog. Next week is spring break so many people we go somewhere and take nature pictures. So expect some cool picture next week. 

Week 10

we have made an Instagram to promote our blog and kaylin will be in charge of that. We’ve really got a lot of support from people and have got a lot of quality pictures. We got all this support because we wrote out email on ms. Scenna’a board promoting our blog. This week has been smooth sailing. 

Week 8

we have stabilized the website and figured out how to make an about page. The next step in our journey is to advertise around the school. We are making flyers to hang around the school with our email address for people to submit pictures to us. The biggest obstacle right now is that the school internet is down so we are trying to be productive without Internet and it is difficult. Also we are trying to think of a quality nature pun for our flyers 

Week 5

After many days of trying to figure out how to make an app we have decided that it will not work because of money issues. We have decided to make a blog where we can post photos of pictures of nature and maybe have an email where people can send us photos of their adventres. so as of today we are not making an app and we are making a blog. We decided not to do a bullitin board because it would take money for the ink to print the pictures.

Week 4

We have decided not to do an app for multiple reasons involving money. Any app making thing will cost money and on top of that there is a fee to get an app into the App Store. The fees aren’t small either. So we are either going to do a bulletin board in the school or a website. We are more leaning towards a bulletin board because it will be more recognized. But it will cost money to print out the pictures to post on the board. So we are undecided so far

Week 2

Trying to figure what the best way to go with the app making process. Looking at a lot of free websites that make apps for you for free but in order for us to get what we want we usually have to pay. We are currently looking for a way around that or the cheapest way to go.